Meet Meshawn
Meshawn Maddock has devoted her life to two things; her family and the conservative movement. She is the wife of Representative Matt Maddock, mother of three children and grandmother to four. Meshawn and Matt have owned and operated their small business for more than 30 years in Milford.
Meshawn has been active in the Michigan Republican Party since 2009 when she was first elected as a precinct delegate. Since then, Meshawn has gone on to become a leader within the GOP as the America First movement took-off in 2015-16.
Day One Commitments
We need to write a concrete job description and purpose for each vice-chair position. Discuss funding and goals. Consider renaming our Vice-Chair titles for ethnic, specifically, and maybe others. These critical positions have been underused for too long.
We have 4 outstanding candidates running for Youth Vice-Chair. We need to make the 3 runner-up candidates Associate Vice-Chairs of Committees for the party and keep them engaged. Associate VC of Grassroots, Coalitions and Outreach. Perhaps a role in expanding our social media. Their energy and ideas are what is going to breathe life into our committees.
The Trump Campaign generated new life for our party and we must carry on the torch. We need to launch Ambassador Programs to the communities that we made huge inroads into and helped us WIN in 2024.. To start, I will name Ambassadors to the Indian, Albanian, Muslim, and Chaldean communities. This is how we keep the momentum going into 2026.
We need to have monthly zoom meetings for all the precinct delegates, county chairs and other conservative leaders to hear updates about how we are preparing to win in 2026 and train our local activists in the basic fundamentals of fundraising, communications, candidate recruitment, delegate recruitment, etc. The past 4 years have taught all of us that delegates of Michigan want a say in how the party is run, and I intend to do that.
Recognizing that the Congressional District Chairs are my Generals and the County Chairs my Majors in this fight to take back Michigan, I will schedule meetings with both of these groups within the first week of my administration. We MUST all be on the same page, to fire up the troops for VICTORY!
Charlie Kirk
Executive Director, Turning Point USA
CEO, Turning Point Action
Vance Patrick
Oakland County Republican Party Chair
Lena Epstein
MIGOP Finance Co-Chair
Monica Yatooma
Executive Director, Great Education Action
Frant T Mamat
Oakland County GOP Council
OCRP 500 Club Founding Member
Brian Pannebecker
Auto Workers for Trump 2024
State Representative Angela Rigas
Trump Endorsed 79th District
State Representative Rachelle Smit
Trump Endorsed 43rd District
Garrett Soldano
Former Gubernatorial Candidate; Conservative Leader
Turning Point Action
Michigan Conservative Coalition
Alec Faggion
Deputy State Director, MI Trump Force 47
Taylor Frasier
Deputy State Director; Trump Force 47
Jesus Ortega
West Michigan Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Julie Sanderson
UP Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Sam Nelson
Southwest Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Ken Licari
Macomb Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Kayleigh Frederick
Lansing Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Quinn Gabriel
Muskegon Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Christian Witt
Lansing Political Coordinator; Trump Force 47
Dorian Thompson
Lansing Political Coordinator; Trump Force 47
Nick Duber
Wayne Regional Director; Trump Force 47
Charley Coss
Southwest Political Coordinator; Trump Force 47
David Yardley
Southwest Political Coordinator; Trump Force 47
Ryan Claypool
Southern Political Coordinator; Trump Force 47
April Snyder
Genesee Political Coordinator; Trump Force 47
Melanie Greenfield
MI Election Integrity
America First Accomplishments
From the moment President Trump came down the escalators, Meshawn was on board.
Advisor to President Trump (2020-Present)
MIGOP Co-Chair (2020-2022)
Women For Trump National Advisor (2019-2020)
MIGOP 11th Congressional District Chair (2018-2019)
MIGOP Precinct Delegate (2009-Present)
Michigan Conservative Coalition President (2022-Present)
National Delegate for President Trump (2016)
Platform Committee Republican National Convention (2016)
National Delegate for President Trump (2020)
At-Large National Delegate for President Trump (2024)
Coalitions Advisor for Michigan Trump Team (2024)

Support Meshawn for Chair
Meshawn’s Platform
For far too long we have been sold a lie that we need to rely on the same people every cycle. We need to cultivate a sustainable donor network to create a year-round revenue model so that the MIGOP is not reliant on the boom-bust cycle of Presidential politics. We need to build a plan where the MIGOP can raise $2-3 million a year to spend exclusively on the party and our candidates.
The 2024 election showed us the path to victory for our Republican candidates in 2026 and we need to build on the momentum President Trump created. We had unprecedented support in areas like Genesse, Kent and Wayne County and the only way to build on that is to invest in our newfound coalitions. We need to partner with our local and state officeholders to invest in the communities that President Trump showed are winnable for Republicans.
Our county parties are the backbone of the MI GOP. We need to create a structure at the MI GOP that invests in our county parties so they can organize and run winning campaigns. This relationship should not only be financial but in resources.
When a county party needs help building out a business round table or local voter registration drive, they should be able to come to get the resources to get it done. We need to make sure there is a systemic way to teach our county parties how to get verified on Facebook.
We have to give our local candidates the ability to advertise on every medium no matter how much money they can spend. This is something our state party should be doing, not county chairs.
The reason for the turmoil of the state party over the past several years is people did not share information. There is nothing to hide in the state party.
All our spending is public record. I encourage everyone to look at our state and federal campaign finance reports.
If anyone has a question, they should just ask me or our executive director. We need to stop posting against each other in anonymous telegram and signal chats and start talking directly to each other.
We hear promises every 2 years at this convention, that they will fix fundraising, grow the party. What will make me different. I have been on the frontlines of the America First movement since 2015. I know the small steps that we need to make to make the MI GOP a winning party again.
I am not going to promise to raise $30 million because that is only possible in the Presidential years when the nominee can help you raise money.
My goal is to raise $2-3 million during my tenure as chair and make sure that half of that is something that the next chair can raise as well.
We need to expand GOP representation up and down the ballot. We have crucial municipal races this year and we have the entire government up for grabs next year. We need to start recruiting candidates now and we need to give all our candidates the resources they need to win today, not in October of 2026.
The MI GOP must always be the attack dog that rips the head off of Democrats every day.
My main job as state party chair is to push the Republican message but keep Democrats accountable.
We must learn our lessons from 2020 and never submit to tyranny, the woke agenda or the fake news media.
Get in touch!
Have a question for Meshawn or want to share an idea? Give us your contact information and we’ll get back to you.